I had the pleasure this past week of attending a fundraiser for WAYS, Western Ontario Youth Services. It was a brilliant idea to copy the…
Every once in a while you need to go back to the proverbial drawing board — meaning, re-evaluate your best laid plans. Sometimes a business…
A French professor I once had was born and raised in France. He was a charming and loquacious soul who liked to tell stories about…
A recent article circulating social media sites was in regard to a man who complained of having an ‘ear worm’ for years on end… ‘Earworms’;…
It really does not matter what the source of your frustration is, being frustrated takes an incredible amount of energy. Frustration rarely ever helps to…
Assuming you are not already endowed with brilliant natural artistic talent in music or the arts, what medium would you choose if you could? Fill…
In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, the monster in the story is never actually given a name. Frankenstein is the name of the scientist whose obsession…
Circa 11th century a.d., there was, a period in Japanese history where the ruling imperial culture was obsessed with the arts and aesthetic pursuits. …
I saw a Facebook post this week of Albert Einstein’s quote, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” That got me to wondering who else has a…
Circa 1967 or so, my mother was the original inventor of the mute button. She loved her television shows but detested the advertisements. She would…