Contentment is for Cows.  What?

CH5_SC16_PG3A French professor I once had was born and raised in France.  He was a charming and loquacious soul who liked to tell stories about being a boy in France.  He would tell these stories in English — otherwise I would have no recall of what he had said.

One day he was espousing on differences in attitudes towards happiness between Europeans and North Americans.  He said the pursuit of happiness as per the American Dream was largely held up for ridicule amongst Europeans.  Happiness, or contentment, in and of themselves were not worthy pursuits.  With a gallic shrug and a ‘pffft’… he said, “Contentment.  What is that?  Contentment is for cows.

I thought that sentiment, ‘contentment is for cows’ was funny, charming and puzzling all at once.

My North American brain asked “Why?…  What is wrong with wanting to be content?” 

Well, years later, I realized that if you are content, it can mean, not always mind, but sometimes, it can mean you have ‘settled’.  You’ve stopped striving.  And if you’ve stopped striving, well, that would be rather bovine of you now, wouldn’t it?

It seems some of you are still reading this blog and not checking out the comic strip!!  CLICK HERE and go check out what Contentment is for Cows is really all about.  

Meanwhile, I am striving for more readers, more likes, umm, even a comment… seriously.  It would make me happy… at the Facebook page for Contentment is for Cows… 

Chapter 5, Scene 17, has been uploaded.
