My Theory of EarWorms

Yankee_DoodleA recent article circulating social media sites was in regard to a man who complained of having an ‘ear worm’ for years on end…

‘Earworms’; what a descriptive term for a song caught in your head on an endless, annoying loop. 

My theory is this; the lyrics to a particular earworm can be a message to you.  Those words are trying to tell you something.  For example, after leaving a particularly annoying employment situation, I had “You’re Not the Boss of Me Now…” roaring through my head for a week or two.  Never before, or since have I been ‘wormed’ by that particular tune. 

A friend once told me that after making the decision to leave a negative relationship, the song “I Can See Clearly Now” reverberated in her mind for a month or so.

Hence, my theory that earworms contain a message…  Now both of these examples are a little different than the usual definition of an ear worm, where the tune in annoying and meaningless.  Apparently, the cure for those earworms is to find something to concentrate on, a book, or crossword, or sudoku.  So, if you are stuck with Yankee Doodle looping through your brain, perhaps the message is you need to be busier.

Just a theory…

For an interesting read, consult the wikipedia page on earworms.  It includes a list of literary works regarding the phenomena from the likes of Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe.

Scene Sixteen of Chapter Five, “Oops Wrong Box” has been posted at

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