On Balance and Frankenstein

FrankensteinIn Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, the monster in the story is never actually given a name.  Frankenstein is the name of the scientist whose obsession with re-creating the mystery of life was manifested in the marauding green-skinned creature pop culture has come to refer to as ‘Frankenstein’.

The real monster in the story is the Dr. himself.  In isolation, away from his family and friends,  he becomes obsessed with using his science to bring a being to life.  He gets himself all out of balance… in the opposite direction of the Japanese society we looked at last week, Balance or Beware

On the inside, the monster is no monster at all.  He is kind, thoughtful, poetic even;

God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance. Satan had his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him, but I am solitary and abhorred.”

Articulate, yes, but he is in a bit of a rage over his appearance.   

Dr. Frankenstein, in his obsessed state, forgot to add even a touch of aesthetics and unintentionally created a being with an appearance so tragically distasteful that even he rejected the poor fellow. 

A little bit of balance between science and beauty would have saved a lot of anguish.  But then we wouldn’t have had such a good story.

fave page_20160320_0001Balanced, and hopefully aesthetically pleasing, we pick up right where we left off…the latest episode has been uploaded Chapter Five, “Oops, Wrong Box”, Scene Thirteen at www.contentmentisforcows.com 

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