Who is a Fraud?

Fake it til you make it.“Fake it ’til you make it.” is a common saying in the business world.  It’s not referring to deliberately engaging in fraudulent activity.  It’s about the feeling that you haven’t ‘arrived’ yet as compared to more senior or successful members of your profession.  So you fake it, act ‘as if’, feign confidence, pretend, front, and perhaps feel like a fraud.

‘Faking it’ can refer to feeling that your contribution is somehow not worthy.  I feel like a fraud if I say I am an artist.  I’m just a hack with pencils and a hobby.

The question of fraud is not what you think of your own work, or even how many others like it.  The answer lies in the intention behind your work.  If you are making a contribution to the creative field of your choice,  be it drawing, gardening, wood turning, guitar picking, knitting, whatever… your work is a contribution to the field. 

If your intention is genuine so is the work. 

This week’s scene has been genuinely uploaded to www.contentmentisforcows.com

Comments will be welcomed, appreciated, and responded to.
