There is Magic in a Change of Focus

Life_is_magicA number of years ago I attended a presentation on personal change and growth.  The presenter asked for a volunteer from the audience, specifically someone who was not very coordinated and could not catch a ball to save their life.  A man in his late teens volunteered and got up on the stage.  He had a mild form of cerebral palsy.  His Mother was in the audience and jokingly confirmed that her son had never been able to catch a ball.

The presenter showed the young man a tennis ball.  He asked the young man to focus on the seams on the ball and in which direction they were spinning as the ball moved through the air.  From about 15 feet back, the presenter gently lobbed the tennis ball.  The young man caught the ball in both arms (awkwardly), stated which direction he thought the seams had been rotating in, and lobbed the ball back.  This was repeated a few times until the young man realized he was catching the ball without thinking about it.

And therein was the magic.  He was not focused on catching the ball.  He focused on the rotation of the seams and catching the ball just happened.

That’s magic.

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