The Muse, Part Two

CH3_SC13_PG2My characters in Contentment is for Cows are mash ups of people whose quirks and tendencies inspired my imagination. I’ve exploited those characteristics for my own comic purposes.  Most of my characters are ‘mash-ups’ — amalgamations of people I have known.

Anybody can be a muse, even someone you saw only once.  In the Texas Bar, in the port area of Portugal in 1982, I watched a sailor, alone on the floor dance to an electronic beat.  He projected an air of confidence, of ‘not-caring’, and just enjoying the moment .  He comes to my mind every time someone says “Dance like no one is watching.”  I never spoke a word to him, just watched him dance, but he is the muse behind one of my characters.  And no, I am not referring to Harold.

This week’s latest scene has been uploaded to; hit the yellow ‘the latest‘ button. 

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