Then, Now, and a Bit of Magic

Celebration_FlagsReunions.  School, work, or whatever the case, reunions mean a chance to revisit who you once were.

A blogger friend of mine who was attending the same reunion I was, wrote before the reunion that the people you see at reunions are ‘markers’ of what your life was when you worked or schooled with those people.  That is very true.

Changes… evolutions… transformations.

Ah but, when you meet up with someone you haven’t seen for a decade or so, and you pick up right where you left off…  well there is a fine bit of magic in those moments.

To read the blog on reunions that I refer to above, go to (Bonus: You’ll learn a thing or two about ‘life after work’.)

This week’s latest scene has been uploaded to; hit the yellow ‘the latest‘ button.

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