The Value in Routines

And sometimes there is value in no routine...

And sometimes there is value in no routine…

My good old fashioned hard copy Concise Oxford Dictionary defines routine as “1. n. regular course of procedure, unvarying performance of certain acts”.

We all have routines with habits embedded within them.  Human evolution designed our brains so we could ‘go through the motions’ of a routine habit with a minimal amount of attention.  Brushing our teeth, for example, is a task so routine we allow our muscle memory to take over while we put ourselves on ‘autopilot‘ and focus on something else. 

If we had to relearn how to brush our teeth every time we would never have progressed into a species that brushes its teeth.

Routines, to my mind are useful time management tools.  My morning work routine at my desk helps to launch the day.  I have certain tasks that I complete at the same time, week in, week out, –this blog being one of them.  That is the value in routines.

The danger of routines lies in taking them for granted.  Thinking we can multi-task… and there is next week’s topic. 

New pages have been posted, as per my weekly routine at

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