

Calvin, of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes made good use of his transmogrifier — a cardboard box which had the power to transmogrify himself into a new being — a pterodactyl perhaps. He was still Calvin, but he was Calvin in a new form. 

I’ve been a widow for over a year now. If I do say so myself, I’ve done a good job of ‘moving on’. But I much prefer to think of my situation as a transmogrification. I’m still me but in a new format.

We all make transmogrifications throughout our lifetimes; student to employee, single to married, married to widowed, married to unmarried, children, etc, etc. By the time middle age arrives we’ve all had a few of these changes.

I transmogrified my career a few times. My favourite joke being that I went from bleeding heart liberal to capitalist pig. (A gross exaggeration at both ends of the spectrum, but a humorous way to describe the transition from social service worker to stock broker). I think I took most of those changes for granted and waltzed my way from one career to the other, always thinking “It can’t be that hard” — even though sometimes it was definitely that hard.

“Moving on” is a common phrase to describe the process of a life changing event. I prefer to think of the possibilities of a Calvinesque transmogrification; step into the box, choose what to transmogrify into and step out the other side.

Life changes create possibilities if you’re willing to get into the transmogrifier. 

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.