Being Your Own Masterpiece

Art is wonderful, no?  Everyone appreciates some form of art, whether they are aware of it as art or not.  Everything, from a clever graphic blazoned on a simple t-shirt to a priceless Picasso can be considered art– if you are not too snobby about it. 

What if you considered yourself as a work of art?  I don’t mean being the best dressed, having great hair, or no hair, or wearing the right shade of lipstick. ( …Although…)

What I’m getting at here is to think of yourself as a work of art, from the inside out.  More commonly known as personal development, I like to think of myself as a creation of my own creation.   

Wikipedia tells us that personal growth covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital, enhance the quality of life, and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. 

All that is true, but if you liken personal growth to creating art then it broadens the experience.  Art is allowed experimentation, errors, erasures, re-dos, start-overs, phases, tangents and everything in between. Isn’t life like that? 

If all artists want to create a ‘master piece’ then so should we in our human experience of being ourselves.

We can all create and appreciate beautiful things, but the real work of art is your self.

And sometimes, it takes a lifetime to create a masterpiece.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog.  Your comments, questions, ideas and suggestions are always welcome.  You can comment here, or choose between Facebook, Twitter, or the contact button.  

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  I keep it short and to the point.  Topics are as wide ranging as a straight but not narrow path.