Summer Time

Summer is my favourite season.  I make it a point of honour to never complain about the heat.  Or the mosquitoes.

My complaint about summer is that it seems to fly by.  I always feel like it just started and suddenly it is Labour Day.  Summers when I was a kid seemed to go on and on forever.  Why as an adult is it so difficult to capture that feeling of an endless summer?

Adults have structure to their days that children don’t – for obvious reasons.  ‘Wednesday’ means something more to an adult than a child.  Time ‘flies’ for adults all year round as we schedule and plan and go to meetings and meet deadlines and all manner of other ‘fill up time’ stuff.

Perception of time, and time passing is not really a summer thing.  It is the same 24 hour day all year long.  Slowing time down for yourself, if that is what you want, is in your own control.  Consider that it is your perception of time that makes time seem to fly, or drag.  The key word here is ‘seem’.  Time seems to move, fast or slow, in direct relation to how engaged we are in any particular moment.

Time in the dentist chair moves at a different pace than time spent enjoying a favourite activity. 

My favourite line from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip is Calvin complaining to Hobbes, “There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”  Implied in Calvin’s lament is the appeal of doing nothing …Summer or winter, nothing slows time down like doing nothing and enjoying it.

It is summer.  Go enjoy all the nothing you want.

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Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  I keep it short and to the point.  Topics are as wide ranging as a straight but not narrow path.