Learning from Andy Warhol

Andy_Warhol_Museum_-_IMG_7619Pittsburgh is home to the Andy Warhol Museum, http://www.warhol.org.  I recently spent an afternoon touring the museum and learned a thing or two.  I thought I knew a fair bit about the artist and his work, but the museum had some surprises for me.  First of all –those famous silk screen prints of Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor?  They were traced from photographs.  Traced.  In my mind if I trace something for my comic pages I consider it ‘cheating’. And then I find out Any Warhol cheated.

I spouted off about this to my sister www.marilyncampbell.ca, who knows a thing or two about creating art.  She cleverly and correctly pointed out, “That’s not where the art is.”  

Oh.  Of course.  The ‘art’ is in the choice of how much of the photos he traced –more here, less there.  Then he added the layers of silk screened colours to emphasize the lips or eyes as he chose.  And the colours he chose!  That’s where the art is.

This week’s update at www.contentmentisforcows.com begins Chapter Four, “I Bella, Me Muttley”.  Some tracing may or may not have occurred in the creation of these pages.

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