Improv Rules for Life

Improv Rules for Life

This post is one of my favourites. It is a re-cycle, with edits, from a post I wrote ten years ago;

In her 2011 autobiography, Bossypants, Tina Fey explains the four basic rules of improvisation;

1.  Agree with what your partner offers. Agree and say, “Yes”. In life, there will be times when you want to disagree, but agreement gives both parties a starting point. As Tina says, “At least start from an open-minded place”.

2. Say “Yes, and…” Agree with your partner, then say, “And,” to contribute something of your own. Saying “Yes, and” means taking responsibility for your half of the conversation, to move it forward from the agreement made in rule number one.

3.  Make Statements. This rule is an extension of rule number two. Statements are a contribution. Asking questions all the time puts pressure on your partner to come up with all the answers.

4. There are no mistakes, only opportunities. In my opinion, this is the best rule.

Start with “Yes. Then say, “Yes and…” And then see where the conversation goes.

Yes, and then consider these rules as more than tips for a good conversation. Consider them rules to live by. When an opportunity presents itself, say “Yes, and.” See where that takes you.

Keep your joy.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger, unless it’s a holiday weekend. Or summertime. Facebook or email.