On Politics
Politics is not my favourite topic. I generally avoid discussions and debates on politics. My basic leanings could be described as apolitical or more accurately, ‘a pox on all your houses’.
Karr, the French critic phrased it beautifully, “plus ca change, plus ca la meme chose”. That line defines my philosophy of politics.
I find it cringeworthy when I hear people disparaging one party over another. All parties have been guilty at one time or another of breaking promises, overspending, outright lying etc, etc.
Ad nauseum.
My apolitical stance is, of course, easily challenged. How else to govern society if not through politics? It seems it is the only system we have. But to those who are life long supporters of only one party without even considering the policies or leaders of any other party I like to ever so gently point out that such a one-sided approach is naive, and somewhat deluded.
To say that one party’s policies are always better than another party’s is like saying “My team always wins.” Well, no, they don’t. Sometimes a country, a city, a province or state needs a more conservative set of policies and sometimes a more liberal set.
And sometimes if we are very, very lucky we get the right leader in the right party, at the right time. Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela come to mind.
I always vote, I do my homework, but in the end, I really just hope for the best.
Now, to change the subject. Gosh it feels strange to not have a new instalment to post. Instead, click here for a link to one of my favourite scenes. I love Mac’s ending line in this scene, but can I say? This was one of the most difficult scenes for me to draw. It took me forever! It was the first time I had five people in one scene, some sitting, some standing, and to get the perspective of the bar — well anyway, forgive the drawing and just enjoy.
Thank you for reading, your comments, questions, ideas and suggestions are always welcome. You can choose between Facebook, Twitter, or the contact button.
Love the way you take a stance on things…especially for someone who claims to be “apolitical”. Perfect. (And can picture my Dad going for wings and beer too in response to his 3 healthy daughters!)
Good point. I suppose an apolitical stance is still a stance isn’t it. Your Dad and my Dad would have gotten along!
I just went back to have a look at the scene you mentioned. What an amazing job you did drawing everything! I can only imagine how much work it was for you.
I loved the last line too. Where did you go? I miss it…
Hi Marg, I miss it too! But that weekly deadline (self-imposed) was a little much. No worries, there will be a Chapter 11, just not for a little while. Thanks for all your support. Hugs back.