The Definition of a Weed

DandelionNo folks, not the definition of weed, the definition of ‘a’ weed.  Any good old fashioned hard copy dictionary will give you some version of the following;

Weed; n. A wild herb growing where it is not wanted.

This was the best definition they could come up with for a weed.  The thing is, a weed is first and foremost, a plant.  It has a right to exist.

We, as humans have imposed our judgements on it and relegated certain plants to ‘weed’ status. 

That leaves a problem for a plant that does not know it is a weed.  From the plant’s point of view, it’s the human definition that poses the problem.

That works for so many different examples –too many to begin with here, so I will leave further philosophizing to you;

Is Contentment is for Cows web content or a web weed?  Chapter Seven, Scene Four has been posted.

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