Sincere = Without Wax

MichelangeloMichelangelo is famous for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but as an artist, the medium he truly loved to work in was not painting.  It was sculpture.  Sculpting marble to be specific.   A work of art like the statue of David would begin with buying a suitable block of marble.  It was important to choose the right marble.  It would have to have the right colours, and be the right size, of course.  But most important of all, the block of marble had to be ‘sincere’.

The word sincere is derived from the latin phrase ‘sin cere’ which translates literally to ‘without wax’.  If a marble seller was unscrupulous, air pockets in the marble could be filled with wax.  Marble sellers and buyers would want to know therefore, if the block of marble was ‘sin cere’.

Contentment is for Cows is sincere, I am sure.  Chapter Seven, Scene One “Mimi’s Mystery, or Guts Don’t Lie”

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