Never Interrupt Positive Play

Long long ago, I worked in a children’s mental health facility.  On one occasion, I was temporarily helping out in the pre-school classroom.  The woman in charge of the class, was, to my young eyes, “old”.  She had been running a pre-school classroom for behavioural problem kids for a long long time.  In other words, she was experienced.  She knew her stuff.  I, on the other hand, was more than a little green. 

Thinking I was doing something important, and showing initiative, I went over to a table where two children were playing.  I interrupted. With what, I do not recall, but I remember thinking it was something I thought I “should be doing” with these kids.

Mrs. Old was quick to pull me aside. 

“Never interrupt positive play,” she said.

That was all she said.  It was all she needed to say.  Those two children did not need my intervention.  Or my interference.  They were engaged with each other in positive play –leave them be. 

I have employed that simple advice many times since then.  It works on so many different levels; if your husband is cooking dinner, do not interrupt.  If the sales clerk is calling head office on your behalf, do not interrupt.  Etcetera, etcetera.

Contentment is for Cows is positive, I am sure.  The play extends to Chapter Six, Scene Five…

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