The ‘Blab Off’

Cheer AdCirca 1967 or so, my mother was the original inventor of the mute button.  She loved her television shows but detested the advertisements.  She would scoff and rail at what idiots the ‘Mad Men’ creators of those obnoxious messages must think women are…  She would sarcastically mimic the perfect housewives who would glow with smug pride because, at last, they were able to remove that stubborn ring from their husband’s collar…

So, she invented the ‘Blab Off’. 

She had my Father jerry rig an extension cord with an on/off switch to the back of the television.  Oh!  The joy at being able to turn off the blab with her switch clutched in her hot little hand! 

Regrettably, neither of them thought enough of their invention to expand on the idea and the ‘Blab Off’ became part of our family history, instead of a family business.  They forgot to share…

Of course, they would have had to write an advertisement promoting the virtues of the ‘Blab Off’…

Creativity exists in all forms, everywhere, all day long.  Just remember to share.

Meanwhile, at the website of Contentment is for Cows, Chapter Five, Scene Ten has been uploaded, click here–  www.contentmentisforcows

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