Art is What Looks Back at You

Rabbit in Montreal Museum of Fine Arts“What is Art?”

My standard answer to that old question is, “Art is what looks back at you.”  It is my way of saying art is in the eye of the beholder, but more-so than that; What holds your attention?  What art makes you want to keep looking at it?

When you are looking at an array of desserts — pick the one that is looking back at you.  You know, the one your eye keeps going back to.

When you are looking at an array of art — take note of which piece keeps drawing you back to it.  That is your art.  That piece, whatever it may be, represents art to you.  It does not matter what anyone else thinks of you for choosing a painting of dogs playing poker, or a classic landscape.  That’s your art choice.

I was recently in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; the attached photo of a bronze rabbit was the piece that kept drawing me back for another look.  I liked the spirited energy.

The latest scene in the series www.contentmentisforcows has been uploaded, Chapter Five, Scene Seven.  Is it art?  I dunno, but I hope it’s looking back at you!

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