Are You a Late Bloomer?

Meryl_StreepThe phrase “late bloomer” usually refers to children whose physical development lags their peers.  The term is also used to refer to adults who come to practice their arts late in life.  Meryl Streep is considered a late bloomer because she did not graduate from the school of drama until age 27… not so old maybe, but consider the accomplishments of many of Hollywood’s stars today, ( Jennifer Lawrence comes to mind.)

Other examples include Grandma Moses who started painting in her seventies; Kenneth Grahame wrote The Wind in the Willows in his retirement… the list goes on to include musicians, filmmakers, scientists, etc.

Many people abandon creative pursuits in their youth to pursue the money and security of full time jobs.  Babies, jobs, careers, and life can leave you with practical demands on your time;  See Your Mortgage or Your Art

Recently I have had the pleasure of talking with others who resumed their creativity in later years.  The love of their craft had not died in spite of decades having passed.  Which brings me back to the title of this post; Are you a Late Bloomer?

My late blooming endeavour, www.contentmentisforcows has been updated with this week’s pages, Chapter Five, Scene Five.

The Facebook page eagerly anticipates your ‘LIKE’ at
