Choosing Topics, Writing, and Stress
Every week I spend some time stressing over my choice of topics for this blog. I scratch through my running list of possible ideas, pick one, discard it, choose another, discard that one too—ad nauseum.
Tension exists between what I want to convey and what I hope readers will appreciate. In many ways this blog is a public journal; an outlet for my own reflections, but it’s also tracking my journey as a creative person. Every once in a while a reader will reach out to tell me they’ve been inspired. And therein lies my reward.
I worry that posts are either too opinionated, too personal, or too fluffy. The cancer story was the most personal series I’ve written. Second to that was the series relating to my online dating experiences. Those two topics remain tied for being the most read. It seems the more personal the story, the bigger the response.
It makes sense that when the topic is personal in nature it appeals to a wider audience. Everyone has some cancer experience. We are either survivors, or we’ve experienced cancer through loved ones. As for the popularity of the online dating series, again, it’s either relatable through personal experience, or y’all have enquiring minds. Readers often comment on how brave I am to share these stories. Believe me, I don’t tell the half of it but I’m delighted when someone tells me a post resonated with them.
Being in a writing course has changed how I read and edit my work. I spend more time planning and organizing the post structure beforehand. I’ve learned that the rules of writing fiction apply to non-fiction as well.
Bottom line, I hope I make it look easy.
Keep your joy.
Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger, unless it’s a holiday weekend. Or summertime. Facebook or email.
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