Swiss Cheese as Time Management

swiss cheeseLast week I wrote about shortcuts and whether or not they are worth it.  Shortcuts, and anything to save time is on my mind these days as I have to stay ahead of my ‘production’ of pages to post.  I can only draw and paint so fast…

‘Swiss Cheese’ is a nickname for a time management technique.  It means using small blocks of time to make headway toward completing large projects.  Twenty minutes here and twenty minutes there, and before you know it, you’ve ‘punched holes’ in the tasks  your project requires for completion; –hence the reference to swiss cheese.

Where I used to think it was not worth going into my studio unless I had huge blocks of time available, I now make use of 20 minutes here and there, and ‘swiss cheese’ my way through page after page.

Speaking of pages, new ones have been posted to  Like us on Facebook at

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