A Nice Life

A Nice Life

I have a nice life right now. It’s taken me a while to acknowledge this, mostly because of the sheer volume of changes to my life in the past few years. Now I can take a step back and look around. I have a lovely circle of friends nearby, and a lovely circle of friends within ‘visiting’ reach. I count my family as friends. I come and go as I please.

The whole concept of a ‘nice life’ is worth considering. When I heard the Dalai Lama speak he specifically noted that everyone wants to have a ‘nice life’. As a concept, ‘nice life’ is obviously personal and subjective. I’ve been considering at which points in my life did I have a nice life? When wasn’t it and why wasn’t it? For me, the times when my circumstances were particularly stressful are the times I don’t remember fondly. Stressful situations and lifestyle stress (financial, relationship, health) can be energy depleting and suck the joy out of life. At the same time, when I look back on the stresses I had, I know I still had plenty to be grateful for.

Awareness. Ever the key to enjoying a moment, or a lifestyle. I don’t have much to complain or stress about right now. And yet, and yet, …I get on my own case for not being ‘productive’. I worry about things that are very unlikely to happen. I still wake up with a clenched jaw — sheesh! What am I stressing about in my sleep? 

I think maybe I’m talking about human tendencies. And a reminder to myself and anyone who can relate to this blog to be aware of the big picture. There are simple things to be grateful for and enormous things. Right now, I’m looking at a beautiful coleus I grew from a sprout. My country is not at war. There is food in my fridge and fruit in the bowl. Small things, big things. Awareness and gratitude.

And just a word… I’ve had a lovely summer. I will admit, I dragged myself back to this keyboard a week later than I had originally planned and now I’m happy to be here. Feeling satisfied. Now there’s a word for a nice life. Satisfied.

To read my post on going to hear the Dalai Lama, click here.

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.