Second Wave, Second Wind

Second Wave, Second Wind

My late husband used to say that the best part of a long run was the moment when the ‘second wind’ would kick in. Not being a runner, I can only understand the phrase as a metaphor.

This second wave of Covid-19 lockdown has become tiring and tiresome. Apparently Covid-fatigue is a real thing. Quelle surprise.

I notice that during this second wave and second lockdown there are no 7:00 p.m. bell-ringing-pot-banging rituals. Social media is no longer brimming with family dance shows, sourdough achievements, or talking cat videos.

Thank goodness for the Bernie Saunders memes.

There is perhaps a light at the end of the virus tunnel, although no one knows for sure. Anything could happen. This virus could mutate into something that resists the current vaccine, or, time and science is on our side and we all get to move on from this by springtime. 

I believe what is needed right now is a second wind to get us through this second wave. Personally, for me, walking, projects, audiobooks, Saturday night take-out food, phone calls and chocolate all boost my spirits. But… when I’m really feeling like I need a real lift… nothing makes me feel happier than a good dance party. No matter that there is no one to join in.

The Canadian rapper Classified had a hit a few years ago, Inner Ninja. For a second wind during this second wave, these lyrics say it all, 

When my back’s on the wall, I don’t freeze up, Nah,

I find my inner strength then I re-up

Even if you’re not a fan of hip-hop or rap, it’s a catchy tune. Go on, give it a listen. Try out your best dance/ninja moves. And, for the truly generous, you are welcome to post the video here and give the rest of us a boost. Hashtag Second Wind.

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.