Confidence in Balance

Like just about everything in life, confidence works best when it is in balance. Too little confidence and nothing is achieved. Too much confidence and the ball gets dropped before the finish line.

In a previous blog I wrote that my favourite definition of charisma is the ability to be yourself regardless of who is in the room. As part of my own maturity, I had to overcome my natural shyness — ‘who’ was in the room used to have a definite impact on how much of my personality would be revealed.

At the other end of the scale lies the trap of being overconfident. Too much swagger in your step and others around you are turned off, or you can’t deliver on what you’ve promised. 

Hubris is at the far end of the confidence scale. Defined as extreme arrogance or self-pride, hubris in Greek mythology occurs when a character oversteps his/her mortal parameters and believes themselves to be the equal of the divine. Punishment ensues.

Looking back, I know I have missed opportunities through lack of confidence and I know I have made messes of things when I’ve been overconfident. And, I am confident I am not alone here, probably everyone reading this can say the same thing.

Balance. Such a simple concept. Such a challenge.

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Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  I keep it short and to the point.  Topics are as wide ranging as a straight but not narrow path.