Draw Like No One is Going To See It
My favourite definition of charisma is “the ability to be yourself regardless of who is in the room”. As a definition, it captures that essence of charisma that we all find so charming, i.e., the person who does not hold their personality in reserve. Ever.
I don’t know, but I’ve heard that one of the reasons Jimmy Fallon went from SNL to his own talk show was not because he was such a good interviewer. It was because he was never star struck. Within 30 seconds of meeting Mick Jagger, he could tease Mick Jagger for being Mick Jagger. He was himself regardless of who was in front of him.
In the process of creating these pages, I draw a rough copy. It is usually so rough, it could only make sense to me, but occasionally I have caught the essence of a character’s expression so well, I can’t believe it was me who drew it. When I try to replicate that onto my ‘good copy’ it falls flat. Why? Because I am trying too hard because it is my ‘good copy’ and others will eventually see it.
We’ve all heard the saying, “Dance like no one is watching”… I would say that holds true for drawing, cooking, writing, or whatever your creative endeavor is.
Knowing people are going to see them, I posted new pages anyway. Enjoy, www.contentmentisforcows.com
The same holds true when writing — when my computer eats my words, I try to re-create but it never reads as well!
Exactly. My best cooking is when I am the only one who is going to enjoy it!