Be Here Now

A very popular book in the seventies was ‘Be Here Now’ written by a spiritual leader named Ram Dass.

I never read it. It looked too much like another hippy book that I was going to have to pretend I found oh-so-profound.

The title though, is profound in and of itself. 

As I watch people (myself included sometimes) who cannot spend a moment alone without scrolling through their devices, I think about the advice embedded in that title, “Be here now”.

Whenever I am at an event I’ve been looking forward to, or outside on a beautiful day, or anywhere I want to be, I remind myself to ‘be here now’.

Those three little words work just as well when I am in a situation that demands my attention, or makes me uncomfortable. Be here now; be present to the moment, give of yourself, or receive, but be here now.

At the start of a yoga class I often remind myself there is no place else I need to be — leave the day behind and ‘be here now’.

I doubt if I will ever seek out that book and read it; I like the title too much to have any oh-so-profound content ruin it for me.

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Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  I keep it short and to the point.  Topics are as wide ranging as a straight but not narrow path.