On Time

As a kid I once asked my father “What is time?” He gave me a typical adult answer; “Time is like money, something we could all use more of.”

Thanks Dad. Humorous to think of now, but not really helpful to my seven-year old mind.

When I stopped writing and drawing my comics I looked forward to the amount of free time I would have. Hours and hours… Funnily enough, time doesn’t work that way, does it?

Lots of interesting projects are just sitting there waiting for me.

I look at those projects and think, “Gosh, if only I had more time.” 

Which isn’t really true. If I wanted to get to them, or if I had a deadline for them, I would find the time. Finding time is really just exchanging one activity for another. Like, put the crossword down and pick up the paintbrush… Simple, right?

So easy to blame a lack of time for all the things undone, unfinished, or friends left un-lunched. 

Yes, time is something we could all use more of, but we all have the same amount. Time is very democratic. I think time, or ‘finding time’ is all jumbled up with motivation, energy, inspiration, and let’s not even get started on mood. 

I seem to have more time when I am motivated to have more time, if that makes sense.

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Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  I keep it short and to the point.  Topics are as wide ranging as a straight but not narrow path.