Couples in Canoes

A couple in a canoe are committed to cooperating. No need to spell out what happens if one person chooses not to cooperate, either by refusing to paddle, or worse, standing up without caution.

If one party rocks the boat, the other party will automatically try to compensate to right the ship. Keeping balance and equilibrium is the goal.

Couples can be just like that. One partner will work harder because the other is refusing to paddle. Or, if one person is more reckless and overspends, the other works harder to save — or exercise, or drink less… or what have you.

Of course couples come in all kinds of boats. There are couples whose tempers seem to ignite and inflame each other’s (easily inflatable dingy?).  Or couples whose mutual addictions are supported by each other (speed boat perhaps?).

Rowing in the same direction would be the goal, whether you are a couple, a business, a family, or a book club.

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Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  I keep it short and to the point.  Topics are as wide ranging as a straight but not narrow path.