Pickpockets and Shoes

Pickpockets and Shoes

People who have been to Barcelona will immediately tell you what a beautiful city it is. The next thing they tell you is to watch out for pickpockets. There are even signs in the major tourist areas posting warnings; graphic images of fingers lifting wallets out of jacket pockets. I went prepared. I had a plan for what I would carry in my backpack and what I would carry around my waist.

Las Ramblas is one of Barcelona’s main tourist areas. Coming from Niagara Falls I can recognize both the appeal and the trap for tourists. As I walked along I was wary of being bumped into because the theory is, if you are bumped into, someone’s hand is in your pocket.

No one bumped into me. Instead, a young man pointed at my shoes and exclaimed how nice they were and how perfect for walking around Barcelona in. It was such an odd comment, I stopped. He immediately raised his hand for a high five and said,

“Where are you from?”

“Canada. Where are you from?”


He raised his hand to high five a second time,

“What is your name?” he asked.

I looked at his face and we made eye contact–that particular kind of eye contact where it seems you can read each other’s mind. And I knew. I was a mark. In my very nice shoes I took a giant step backward, left his high five hanging and walked away, all my belongings in tact.

Barcelona is beautiful. Pickpockets aside, it is a wonderful place to visit. I have moved on to France, intrepid and happy to be here.

Keep your joy.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger, unless it’s a holiday weekend. Or summertime. Facebook or email.