Nobody Knows a Couple

Nobody Knows a Couple

Every couple is unique, and like the couple in last week’s laundry story, only the couple themselves know and understand what brings them together, what motivates them to marry, to stay married, or to separate.

Even if one half of a couple is telling you all the ins and outs of their marriage — their fights, their parenting issues, their love life, their good times — no one outside of the relationship can really understand the couple, in the same way the couple understands themselves. 

And, if, for argument’s sake, both sides are telling their story, it will always be an incomplete picture. There are so many nuances and shades to a relationship.

I once joked to my sister that I could tell what mood my husband was in as soon as I laid eyes on the back of his neck. Funny, maybe, but I’ll bet most couples can shorthand their way through each other’s subtle signals faster than radio waves travel through space.

My husband once asked a friend of ours why they continued on in what appeared to be an unhappy marriage. The answer surprised both of us. It was because when they were on, when things were going well, they really enjoyed each other’s company. That simple fact outweighed all the other issues.

Well, shut our mouth.

From the outside looking in, no one really knows what makes a couple work. Or not work.

Forgive me. I’ve been watching Bridgerton.

Next week I will take a break for Easter. Probably a good idea.

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.