To Be Longheaded

To Be Longheaded

I myself, am not longheaded. At all. Okay, well, rarely anyway. We all get lucky sometimes.

Longheaded is a term of Irish origin meaning to be able to plan far into the future for your own benefit; being able to visualize possibilities and then have the fortitude to take action. For example, planting a certain type of crop before anyone else sees the the value in it. Or buying up undervalued houses in a seemingly unpopular neighbourhood before the railway line comes to town. It’s long-term foresight.

Generally speaking, people have proven themselves to have short term memories and we often opt for short term gain. Many of us spend $5.00 a day on coffee instead of saving $1,875 a year. Well, let’s not get carried away, I mean priorities, right?

It is true though — when the price of oil goes up, consumers swear off of gas guzzling cars. The price of oil goes back down and Hummers come into fashion. As much as we are masked and distanced now, post-pandemic we will be hugging, crowding, and dancing as much as previous but with some changes.

Somewhere, there is a longheaded person making plans to benefit from the trends and possibilities that will arise in a post pandemic world.

I open the floor for discussion.

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.