So Keith Richards Survived

So Keith Richards Survived

Recently it was Keith Richards’ birthday. Yup, 77 years old. At one time he was the top pick in the who’s-next-to-die betting pool. Yes, such things exist. 

Say what you will about the infamous KR, he is nothing if not a survivor.

Collectively we are surviving a pandemic. Keith survived a decades long drug addiction to heroin. Two very different things. But if you had to choose, which would you pick?

His autobiography Life is a great read; Keith is candid and forthright about the length and depth of his addictions and the how and why he has survived to tell the tale. Perhaps we can pick up some pointers from Keith himself.

First off, he believes he was born with above average genes. His family members lived well and healthy into their old age. But really, genes are just luck of the draw. What is important here is to believe the best about yourself. For Keith, that means believing in his good ‘stock’. If you don’t have genes worth bragging about, choose to believe something else that sets you apart from others. Pick something positive and be proud of it.

Secondly, Keith knows he was fortunate to always have been able to buy the best heroin available. There is wisdom here. If you’re going to indulge in something, indulge in the best you can afford. Hopefully your addictions are harmless compared to heroin — coffee, chocolate, Netflix perhaps. But stick to the best quality you can afford. You’ll feel better and likely consume less and savour more. 

Third, good old Keef never wanted to mix his quality heroin with anything else. Think about this. If you got good quality scotch, don’t dilute the experience of that rich peaty flavour with… horrors — ginger ale. As for mixing heroin, it was a speed ball (heroin combined with cocaine) that took dear John Belushi over the edge, may he rest in peace.

And fourth, once Keith was high, he did not feel the need to get ‘higher’. He did not see the point. He knew (probably from experience) that ‘higher’ just meant passing out and no longer being present to enjoy that high quality heroin. He was satisfied to be high and settle back and enjoy the ride. Hence, he never overdosed.

What I take from this last survival strategy is, no matter how much you enjoy Netflix, don’t binge on it. You’ll get sick of it and you won’t enjoy it as much. Same with the coffee, chocolate and scotch. 

Happy New Year all. 

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.