Back to Time

Back to Time

Were it not for Covid-19, I would have tickets in my hands. Train tickets, plane tickets, movie tickets, opera tickets, concert tickets, hell, even a bus ticket sounds like fun.

With extra time on my hands I seem to be reverting to the hobbies and crafts I did when I was young. Young as in before careers and mortgages and dinner parties. Back to when most people would say ‘BC’ — before children. Back to when time was something you mulled over how to spend… Oh, what to do, what to do…

I have resurrected and repaired my sewing machine, thanks to YouTube and Wikipedia. I am refurbishing furniture pieces that have been staring balefully at me for years begging me to do something about their missing veneer. 

Remember macramé? It’s back in style and I brought with me some choice sticks from my previous back yard. I just need the string.

Please stop me before I tie dye a bedspread. 

In the meantime, tying knots and fiddling about with wood filler is therapy. What are you making these days?

Stay safe everyone.

Anne Milne is an every Sunday blogger.  Facebook or Twitter.