There is a saying about life being short, and it may be true. I prefer to say life is long — youth is short. In…
As part of the newspaper publishing tradition, puzzles, amusements and comics are usually found on the final pages. There is a reason for this; in…
In April of 2004, I bought tickets to go see the Dalai Lama speak at the CNE in Toronto. The date conflicted with both my…
Like just about everything in life, confidence works best when it is in balance. Too little confidence and nothing is achieved. Too much confidence and…
It is springtime. The end of dealing with snow and cold for a while. And the end of winter driving. Where I live, the winters…
Every day I pack a really good lunch. In every office I’ve ever worked in I consistently win the ‘lunch of the day’ award. The…
A very popular book in the seventies was ‘Be Here Now’ written by a spiritual leader named Ram Dass. I never read it. It looked…
Plastic straws have been in the news lately as people and corporations endeavour to reduce single use plastic items. Straws are a great starting point;…
Too much social media leads to social tedium. I use Facebook and Twitter but I’ve never even looked at Instagram; it seems like another thing…
In my early twenties, I went through a semi-serious “I’m-a-hippy” phase. In those days, or at least in my circle, you couldn’t claim to be…