On Hindsight

Hindsight is a smug know-it-all. 

How many times have we lamented our circumstances over a favourite beverage and said, “In hindsight, I should have…”

Doesn’t everyone have moments when they feel they should have acted differently? It seems those moments are usually clear as a bell in our memory.  I’m referring to those times in life when we feel we ‘should have’ resigned from our post, left our marriage, or proposed marriage, jumped ship, boarded ship, or what have you –those moments are usually clear in our mind.

I say this because if you listen to someone, (or yourself) tell a story that has a ‘hindsight’ moral to it, there is always that moment, when “I should have” occurs.

Most of us, if we’ve had a ‘hindsight’ moment, we also know the reason why we didn’t make the choice that smug know-it-all feels we should have.  Sometimes, it is risk.  There was just too much at stake and we chose the safer, more familiar path.

But if hindsight is a smug know it all, I humbly suggest that hindsight has a petulant cousin called intuition.  In those hindsight moments, I think there is often ‘that voice’ urging us to make the other choice.  Intuition nags until we stop listening, time passes, the opportunity to make the choice disappears and there we have it.  A hindsight story. 

This week’s episode has been posted.  With hindsight I should have taken this weekend off for Family Day.  Enjoy yours! Contentment is for Cows; Scene Seven.

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