One Big Experiment

Mixing Chinese Ink

Mixing Chinese Ink

As I embarked on this creating these comics I tried out all kinds of different papers, different pens, coloured markers, water colours, leaving the images black and white, etc… you get the idea.

Every time I became a little discouraged I would remind myself that this project was just “One Big Experiment”.  That thought kept me from falling into the trap of thinking my results were not ‘good enough’ and abandoning the whole thing altogether.

The pages posted this week are from what I consider my “Chinese Ink” experiment.  I really enjoyed working with chinese ink, but the results were not that great and eventually I had to admit that and move on to something else.

Lots of things in life can go under the heading “One Big Experiment”.  Most of my cooking does, and all of my 1980’s haircuts.

The Latest pages have been uploaded.  click here,