It’s not the HOW, It’s the WHY

left-drawing-rightA gentleman who is a life coach recently asked me about how I taught myself to draw.  He was wanting to pick my brain, thinking there would be some value in this experience of mine that he could use as inspiration with his clients.  The value in picking my brain is always debatable, but it left me wondering what exactly he was looking for and whether there was really something worthy in my ‘learning-to-draw’ experience.

I have to say I don’t think so.  Anybody can learn just about any new skill.  Lots of people learn sports as adults — golf comes to mind.  But I think he is asking the wrong question. 

It’s not the HOW… it’s the WHY.  The how for anything can always be figured out.  It is problem solving and research, followed by patience, persistence and practice.

The WHY keeps you motivated.  The ‘why’ fuels the persistence and the determination to produce a result.  And it really does not matter what result you are looking for.  It could be learning to draw, or to golf, or to become a Doctor, lawyer, teacher, guitarist, or what-have-you.

Find your ‘Why’, because you can always figure out the ‘How’.

My ‘why’ for this comic strip really has little to do with learning to draw.  It’s all about the story.  I wanted to tell the stories and no one was going to draw them for me.

How to follow the story?  Sign up for this blog.  Why?  Because it will make your Sundays just that much more fun.

Contentment is for Cows — this week’s installment has been posted.  

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