Climate Change or…People Change?

hazelwoodpowerstationatnightHere’s a suggestion; let’s scrap all the arguing and posturing about ‘climate change’.  Instead, let’s turn all that energy toward ‘people change’.

It seems people can argue about anything, and climate change is a good example.  Some people believe humans are responsible and should do something about reversing global warming trends.  Others believe global warming is a naturally occurring  phenomenon.  Both sides are equally passionate in defending their side of the coin.

What if we were to decree both sides are right and both sides are wrong?  Because we really don’t know and there is no way to prove which side is correct.

What if we were to drop the issue of global warming and climate change altogether?  Let’s just make the issue all about clean industry.  Just about every one can agree that clean industry is the best kind of industry.  Can’t they?

No, I suppose then we’d have to argue about how clean is clean.  But at the end of the day, sewage is sewage, and land fills are land fills and we all know who caused what.  

I often listen to TED talks while I am painting the comics pages.   Boy!  Are there some creative answers to much of our global industrial waste if we would be willing to explore new and different ways of dealing with it. One of my favourite Ted Talks is Mushrooms, 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World.  There are scores of other Ted talks on the environment that offer up some very creative, ingenious and economical means to achieve cleaner industry and still maintain production.

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