Am I too Old for This?

XKCDThere are many comics being posted on the web right now, I am not unique in my endeavour.  However I notice, there is one big difference between me and other web comic artists… I am older.  From what I can find on the internet,  most of them are young, in their thirties or early forties –heck, both Kate Beaton and Randall Monroe (two of my favourites) are only 31…

But, I have life experience which works its way into the story line… doesn’t that balance things out?

To answer my question, Am I too old for this?  The obvious answer is no, because here I am, doing it.  Unless you are a professional athlete, age should not be an impediment to pursuing interests or following up on inspiration.

If you would like to check out Kate Beaton and her web comic, go to

Randall Monroe has one of the most successful online comics at –he figured out a way to be a successful comic with a very simple drawing style.  Maybe I should have consulted with him first.  The comic included here is one of his.

Thanks for reading.  If you are enjoying this blog and the Contentment is for Cows comic, please share it forward.

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